Friday, December 16, 2011

Internet Censorship

For the people wondering why I havent posted anything new to this site in the Past 2 months, The short answer is that I am waiting to see what happens with this SOPA stuff. There isnt really much point in putting a bunch of effort into this if the site may have to come down. So if you want to see some content from this website check out and help stop SOPA.

Editors Note:
This article originally appeared with a black masking over the text as part of the internet blackout day set up to protest the SOPA act. Since SOPA did not pass, the black masking has been removed so that the article can now be read. However just because SOPA did not pass, does not mean the issue of internet censorship has passed. I encourage everyone who enjoys the content on this site as well as other sites like this one, to stay informed on these issues as they arise so that myself and others like me can continue to produce content for your enjoyment and the entertainment of everyone. 

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