Thursday, October 6, 2011


You know what pisses me off? Banks! I hate banks, you finally find one you like that doesn't give you a bunch of bullshit and you use there service for 6 months to a year and then what happens? They start making changes to there account structure the implement all the bullshit that made you stay away the other banks in the first place.

So I have had my account for almost 2 years now and I chose this bank because there was no minimum balance required, no monthly maintenance fees taken out of the account, no "we are gonna take your money for no reason" bullshit.

So today I get an email telling me about the "exciting new changes that are already in place for my account" first there will be a monthly maintenance fee of 10 dollars unless i maintain a minimum balance or set up direct deposit. 1.) my work does not offer direct deposit. and 2.) I am already basically living pay check to pay check so a minimum balance is going to be hard to maintain when i have fucking bills I have to pay. so now i have an additional 10 dollars that will be taken out of my account every month that I already cant afford.

But it doesn't end there. I also now have a monthly 4 dollar fee in order to be able to use my debit card anywhere other then an ATM. SERIOUSLY? WTF! $15 dollars a month in bullshit fees are you fucking kidding me???

Oh but here is the best part of the email. I can avoid these new charges by switching my account to this new "secured" account they have just recently set up that has ... get this... no minimum balance required and no monthly maintenance of debit card fees........ ISN'T THAT WHAT I ALREADY FUCKING HAD???? I bet it would be safe to assume that this new account would also lack some feature that I would need and the only way to get that feature back would be to move back to the account I already have right?

Oh and in case you missed this part at the beginning of this rant THESE CHANGED HAVE ALREADY TAKEN PLACE TO MY ACCOUNT! No notification other then this email I just got telling me these changes took place in September and will be reflected on my October Statement.


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