Thursday, July 3, 2014

TBT - The REV PODject (The Missing Segment)

One more time for Throwback Thursday... A few Viewers have requested the 20 minute segment I removed between Part1 and Part 2 of this video series, so here it is in a condensed format.

In this segment from out 2011 "Podcast" we discuss;

- Myspace Tom
- The Muppets
- Pocket Protectors
- And we listen to about 10 different Smurfs Movie Trailers

And there you have it ... All the missing audio from our 2 hour recording session... Minus the first 5 minutes of sound checks we did.

And please don't ask me to put that up, it really is just 5 minutes of sound checks ... it sounds like a bad 1990s verison commercial (can you hear me now?)

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