Thursday, July 31, 2014


As of today I have 192 videos posted on my youtube channel which means I'm only 8 videos away from my 200th video.

I know this may not seem like that big of a milestone to some people but a lot of bigger name youtube stars often post special videos for their 100th, 200th, 500th ect. videos. As well as specials when they reach certain subscriber levels.

Once I realized my 200th video was coming up, I started thinking "what should I do for the 200th video?" I even tried asking my viewers but didn't really get a response, other then "200 doesn't seem like that big of a deal". 

So after some thought I have decided that I will do a special "Ask Me Anything" video.

Is there anything about me you want to know? If so then just go to the link below and use the form there to submit your questions.

There is no deadline for question submissions and there is not limit to the number of questions you can ask.

Submit your questions here:

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